Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day 79--2009

Happy new year--and goodbye and good riddance to 2008! Torger and I both managed to stay up until midnight, and we played a little Guy Lombardo as the clock struck 12. (It's actually a digital clock, so it didn't really strike anything at all.) We had our first real date on New Year's Eve 24 years ago, and we got married on New Year's Eve eight years after that. There was no particular reason we waited so long, since we were both pretty set on each other from the beginning. But after several years of peaceful cohabitation, Torger's dad Jon finally called us one day and politely suggested we go ahead and get married already. He actually offered the suggestion quite delicately and diplomatically...but it was the kick in the head we needed. And we've both always been happy that our anniversary is on New Year's Eve because 1) it's impossible to forget; and 2) it's a built-in excuse not to have to do anything or go anywhere for New Year's. Our hotel anniversary this year was pretty similar to how we spend most of our anniversaries at home...a quiet dinner, a movie, and Auld Lang Syne. Perfect. And today, we made some cornbread and a pot of blackeyed peas and kicked off 2009 in style. We'll drink that cup of kindness yet, and may it be a happy and memorable year for all of us.


Marcy said...

Happy Anniversary, Happy New Year, and thanks for the Black Eyed Peas.

Fujiyamamama said...

Happy New Year, and Happy Anniversary!
May 2009 bring you good health and great happiness!

Anonymous said...

Happy happy 2009 to both of you. Dr. Torger is doing well to talk you down ( as Rachel Maddow always says) from your fears and to reassure you as thoughtfully as he has.
Rich and I are also only blocks away and could help if you need and want us.
Love always.

Anonymous said...

Carrie, I just wanted to add to what Jane wrote earlier today - that we do standready as nearby-loved ones to do whatever may be necessary when you and Torner return.

I've also been impressed by how writing the blog must be a part of your own therapy to process these extended and intense weeks with Torger. He did indeed exhibit keen insight to note that you too will be experiencing a post-traumatic syndrome.

It's made me wonder whether, as you near the time for the two of you to be returning home, the hospital provides a counseling service to help facilitate the expression of your anxious feelings and snticipate the kinds of adjusments which lie ahead. Whether it be with a social worker or another therpist, that transition certainly might well be served with a third party.

Meanwhile, your favorite clergy-relative affirms the spiritual depth that you both must have plumbed. I share with you the gratitude for the Life-Force which has sustained Torger and for the meaning which this experience has given to you both.

This comes with love from both Jane and me.
