Sunday, December 7, 2008

More on 54

I am, once again, very grateful for Torger's ability to cheer me up and help me look on the positive side. He had the idea to go out and get a "club" for the steering wheel, which we hope will at least prevent our car from getting stolen tonight if we park under a bright light right outside the hotel entrance. We taped up the window and went over to a nearby Auto Zone for the club. Then, when we went back out to the car, our battery was dead. We'd been having trouble with the starter, but now apparently our battery is about gone, too. But really, what better place to have your battery conk out than in the parking lot of an auto parts store? The Auto Zone guys jumped it for us and advised us to drive around for a little while to make sure it was charged up. So we took a little drive east on Colfax to Watkins, Colorado, which is really just outside Aurora but seems farther. By the time we got back to the hotel, none of it seemed so bad anymore. I'm now busy rearranging tomorrow's appointments with the hospital (Torger) and the dentist (me) so that we can get in and get the car fixed first thing in the morning. Torger says to write that now he's whining for his dinner, but really he gets the non-whiner award for today.

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