Thursday, October 23, 2008

Day 8--Not So Great

Torger felt good Tuesday night and did some drawing, but by Wednesday morning, he was really feeling tired and wrung out. He threw up the Ensure he tried to get down (which may have been a reaction to the Ensure as much as a signal of an upset stomach). His potassium and magnesium have been low, so he's been getting extra doses of those, and his bones are really aching to the point where he's not altogether comfortable lying down or sitting up. He slept on and off throughout the day, but he never really perked up. Fortunately, Jan was his night nurse. He's really comfortable with her--she's smart and funny and takes no crap!


Marcy said...

I am so sorry, could he not get anything down?

Lauren said...

I hope Day 9 is Divine!