Friday, February 6, 2009

Day 115--Starting PT

Torger is finishing up his last set of appointments before we move home...he had another skin biopsy on Wednesday and will meet with an endocrinologist next week. He'll also have to have some bone density scans. But today is the exciting one because this is his first appointment with a physical therapist. As I've mentioned before, he's pretty deconditioned after the transplant and several months of fairly limited activity. The whole time he was in the hospital, he'd get himself out of bed to do leg lifts and laps around the floor, but the post-transplant fatigue is harder to fight...especially when it's too cold or windy to walk outside. (He's also supposed to avoid much sun.) He can't be in the hotel's workout room when other people besides me are in there exercising, so you can see the problem. Walking the hotel halls and carrying the clothes basket down to the laundry room is a workout these days, and he finds it hurts when he leans on one elbow for too long because there's just no muscle there. So this appointment signals the real start of getting back into a more normal level of activity.

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