Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 107--One More Week in Denver

We had a good meeting with Dr. Tse yesterday, and he gave us the official OK to move home at the end of next week. We discussed a number of potential concerns for the future, including infection, brain fungus, and the possibility that the leukemia could come back even with his new cells. But mostly, Dr. Tse said he wants Torger to remain very careful over the next three months so that he can get back as quickly as possible to leading a relatively normal life. (This is Torger, after all, so "normal" is relative.) After a few more appointments, including a meeting with an endocrinologist, some bone density tests, and another skin biopsy, Torger should be done with tests for a little while. The results from his tests last week seemed to all be positive...including the eye exam, where their primary interest was to make sure Torger was able to make enough tears. Hydration is actually a continual challenge right now. He's been having some edema (puffiness) in his ankles, and Dr. Tse chalked it up to not enough fluid and not enough exercise. So we got him doing some more walking yesterday, but drinking his required daily gallon of fluid is tougher. For the next three months, he's just got to approach "hydrating" as his job.


Marcy said...

What are the odds of new leukemia developing?

Cathy Doyle said...

Good news about being able to go home, gives you something to think about beside brain fungus. We're trying to get the money together to send Kip out this summer, so I'll be happy to hear reports about Torger's normal life then!

The Content Narwhal said...

We're all here to help once you get home!