Saturday, November 15, 2008

Chicken Soup for the Chicken Soup Hater's Soul

Among the many pieces of advice Dr. Tse dispenses on a daily basis ("Always wear sunscreen!" "Avoid construction sites!" "This is a long march!"), he has been telling us he wants Torger to eat chicken soup. Every day. Now, this is normally sound advice, since studies are starting to show that chicken soup really is good for bolstering the immune system. But Torger hates chicken soup. Like some other Hougens I could mention, he is a notoriously fussy eater. But some of the foods he used to love don't taste as good to him now, so he has been willing to try a few different things these past few months. I rejoiced when he consented to eat pot roast and didn't even seem to mind it. But chicken soup is a struggle. I've been trying to sneak chicken broth in wherever I can. ("No, really...this is potato soup.") And this weekend I'm going to try making a batch of homemade chicken soup, which I think he'll like because I can tailor it to his tastes. But if he's going to eat it every day, sometimes he's just got to choke down a can of chicken noodle. He knows there are certainly much worse treatments he could be enduring, and he's making the effort to get down all the broth instead of just picking at the noodles. It's just one of those things he has to do, whether he likes it or not. This is a long march.

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