Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day 275--What's the Deal?

We're 25 days away from reaching Day 300--a huge milestone. And for the first time, I find myself really hitting the wall as a caregiver. When we were still living in the hotel and going to the hospital almost daily, I became friends with another woman whose husband was recovering from a transplant. One day, just sitting in the waiting room, she broke down and told me, "I just want to run away!" While I tried to comfort her, I was also taken aback because I'd never once felt that way with Torger. If anything, I wanted to be glued to him and not let him out of my sight. And I've still never felt that desire to flee. But I do feel myself checking out more frequently and feeling more and more exhausted by the routine, even though the routine gets easier on a monthly basis. I just seem to be losing focus, and I can't let that happen. Last week, I was at work and completely forgot Torger's doctor's appointment! The office called home, and then Torger called me to tell me that he'd gone ahead and rescheduled for the next day, but I was mortified. Yesterday, I forgot his morning meds! A few days ago, I opened one of his med bottles only to realize that I'd neglected to go to the pharmacy the day before. I don't understand it, and I'm a little disappointed to see this in myself. I know that some of it is July--July is always a tough month for me between the hayfever and heat. I just wilt. And I also know this isn't something I can soothe away with a pedicure or a massage. There's an internal stress that's been churning in me for a year and I haven't had the freedom to deal with it. I've been relentless in keeping up with the details, to the point where I go to bed mentally sorting through insurance claims. And now that we're back in our home routine, and he's feeling better and getting more active, my brain has decided to take a subconcious breather. But again, I can't do that. I need to find a way to keep focused. So I've decided we're going to make a checklist, and I'm going to start making Torger monitor some of his own needs more closely, using that list. It'll be good for him, because he really wants to get back into having more structure and responsibility. And it'll be good for me because I just need a break.


Marcy said...

Trying to keep track of 5 schedules and tons of errands and chores makes me insane. Lately, I have been printing out a big schedule and WRITING on it. In PEN. It does no good for me on the computer because I can't see it always. The paper calendar can be placed where I see it every 15 minutes throughout the day. It has made this summer much more doable.

Anonymous said...

That's EXACTLY the kind of system I have in mind! On the refrigerator. But not just a calendar...also a daily "to do" list for each of us.

In The Marginalia said...

And... let's go get pedicures and drink wine at She-She anyway!!! It may not help with the BIG things you are dealing with, but it could help with the little ones. Like callouses and your friend Leslie missing you :)