Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Day 28--Going to Be Great

This will be a great day because we don't have to go to the hospital. The visiting nurse is coming over to teach me how to inject Torger with his saline fluid, which we're hoping will reduce the hospital visits to about three times a week. After several days off the Tacrolimus, Torger started back up on it last night at a reduced dose...and he's sleeping soundly at this moment, which is a very good sign that the reduced dose is an improvement. His liver and kidney function have stabilized thanks to the daily liter of IV fluid he's been getting. The GVHD rash on his skin has also settled down. Yesterday, we were both able to exercise a little, which felt really good. I got on the treadmill, and he worked with a weighted ball to try and get some of his muscle strength back. It's really important for him to get up and moving, even when all his body wants to do is sleep. So we're trying to make it a regularly scheduled part of our hotel routine. Even walking up and down the stairs from our room to the exercise room is a good outing for him.

On a different note, we got a card from Torger's donor! Thanks to unintentional clues dropped by several members of the hospital staff, we suspect the donor is from Baltimore. We know for certain that she's a 29-year-old woman who has never been pregnant, but that was about it until she sent this card through the bone-marrow donor registry. She's not allowed to use her name, but it's a great letter, written the night before she made the cell donation:

"Dear Friend: I address this letter to you as my friend, because though I know little about you--Chaver--friend in Hebrew--means friend but also connected. And in some way, we will soon be connected--and though it's unclear if you will now have my curly hair, love chocolate, and cycle centuries--we will always have this connection. I want you to know that it is an honor and privilege to give to you in this way. I feel very blessed. Four years ago this week, my mother, who was 52 at the time, was diagnosed with cancer. Our family journeyed through some very difficult and scary times but since then she has celebrated with us three siblings' weddings, five new grandchildren, and many holidays. Our family is permanently changed by this, but we have grown closer and stronger together. I hope this note brings you hope and strength. As I prayed for you, my friend, last week on Yom Kippur, I prayed that you and those close to you are blessed with hope, strength, and healing. My family is all rooting for you--they want you to know you are getting 'good DNA' and we are now all family. To a speedy and complete recovery. L'chaim/TO LIFE! Love, Your Friend."


Marcy said...

Can we send cookies through the donor system?

Anonymous said...

That's awesome.

Lauren said...

That letter was awesome! It IS a great day! Hope you are enjoying your "day off" from going to the hospital. Thinking about you, as always!

Anonymous said...

Good news and such a great note from Torger's donor. Is there any way you can respond to her?
How does it feel to give Torger his infusions, Carrie? Do you feel you might want to go into nursing as a career change? :)

Anonymous said...

That note -- coupled with the courage of Torger and Cara -- leaves me a little breathless. Thank you so much for sharing, Cara.